EIC Pathfinder short summary

EIC Pathfinder short summary

What is fundedRadically new technologies and high-risk projects with the potential to create entirely new markets
Fundingup to 3-4 Mio Euro
TRL-LevelTechnology Readiness Levels 1-3, up to proof of concept
WhoTypically, visionary scientists and entrepreneurial researchers from universities, research organizations, start-ups, high-tech SMEs or industrial stakeholders
Pathfinder Open: typically consortia of researchers and other partners from at least 3 different countries
Pathfinder Challenges: individual teams and small consortia (2 partners)
Goal of EIC PathfinderProof of Principle, meaning scientific and technological proof that the basic ideas of the envisaged future technology are feasible
What is not fundedImplementation and application of the technology are not subject to the funding
Pathfinder Challenges 2023Clean and efficient cooling, Construction digitalization, Precision nutrition, Responsible electronics, In-space solar energy

Detailed information on EIC programs including EIC Pathfinder can be found here and in the EIC Workbook.