
Changing the world through entrepreneurship

Wie vermeidet man einen „Founder Burnout“?

Diese Frage beantworten Gerjet Efken, Mehrfachgründer, der selbst einen Burnout erlebt hat und Natascha Prieß, Psychologin, auf Gründersezene mit sehr guten Einblicken und eigenen Erfahrungen. Zum Podcast gehts hier. In Ihrem Accelerate Health Programm gehen sie in vier Phasen vor: Phase 1: Awareness & Prävention Was brauche ich, dass es mir gut geht? Ernährung, Gesundheit, …

German shops that sell returns for cheap

There are 280 million returns every year in Germany. At amazon every sixth product is returned. Shops such as sirplus, retoura, Mit Ecken und Kanten and Sportspar resell those returns and the customers gets price reductions of 50% and more. sirplus – food, drugstore and household goods retoura – household, DIY market, garden, living, leisure, …

Who is Germany’s most famous therapist?

One of Germany´s most famous therapists is Stefanie Stahl. She has written numerous bestsellers, has her own practice for psychotherapy and her own podcast.

Where can I get a cheap logo?

Creative logos are already available for 20 euros on fiverr. Plan some time to click through on fiverr. At this price, you can also ask two or three providers. Remember, even with expensive providers, you don’t always get what you had in mind, since a logo always has to meet your subjective taste.

Why do classic self-management tools often not work for people with ADHD?

Janine Bianca answers this question in her blog optimiert-organisiert. You can find the blog article here.

Why don’t I taste anything with air up?

This new way of drinking doesn’t work for everyone right away. It is important that you The way you are used to drinking cannot be changed overnight for everyone. It takes practice.

Great adresses for founders in Germany

2. Für Gründer 3. Gründerplattform

List of KHZG player on the German market created an overview of KHZG players in the German market. Find the list of players for each „Fördertatbestand“ here

What helps against burnout/depression?

If you have a diagnosis – burnout, exhaustion depression, depression – then try the low-hanging fruits first, maybe something will already help you. It is important that you try it for at least 3 weeks, because it takes a while until the effect becomes apparent. IMPORTANT: This is not a medical expert article and for …