How to set up WordPress on your website
- Log in on your hoster´s website (hoster could be for example netcup, hetzner, all-inkl, host-europe)
- Find out FTP access data – username, password and URL
- Download FTP programm FileZilla
- Download wordpress
- Upload wordpress to the server via FileZilla – that means unzip the folder and drag and drop the whole folder in the FileZilla program from your computer to your website server

6. If there are any “Failed Transfers” files, right-click on the black box under Server at the bottom on the left (see picture above) and then right-click on “Reset all files” and “Add back to queue” and then right-click “Process queue”.
7. Go to your website in the browser

8. Create a database at your hoster

9. If your website should not yet be SSL encrypted meaning it shows as “not secure” (Nicht sicher)

Search for SSL, TLS or encryption, if you don’t find that search for domain, hosting settings or security – to “make your domain secure”.