Which criteria have to be fulfilled in the EIC Plug-In scheme?

Which criteria have to be fulfilled in the EIC Plug-In scheme?

In the EIC Accelerator Plug-In scheme the same evaluation criteria that are used for the EIC Accelerator short proposal apply:

  1. first two criteria of the EIC Accelerator (i.e. excellence: breakthrough and market creating nature; timing for the innovation AND Impact: scale-up potential; positive broader impact.)
Source: EIC Accelerator Guide for Applicants Version 3.0 3 August 2023, page 7 https://eic.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-08/Guide-for-Applicants_V3.0.pdf

2. award criteria equivalent to the ones set out for the short application stage of the EIC Accelerator, centred on the underlying idea of that potential new action:

  • The EIC expert evaluators will essentially look at the innovativeness/disruptiveness of your idea, its impact and your team using the evaluation criteria specified below.
  • Each evaluator will assess whether your short proposal meets each of the evaluation criteria (Table 6) and give a GO or NO GO
Source: European Innovation Council (EIC) Work Programme 2023 p.77, https://eic.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-08/EIC-WP2023-amended.pdf

3. equivalent evaluation processes that guarantee an independent assessment of proposals in compliance with Art. 48 of the Horizon Europe Regulation. The article 48 says that the EIT should:

  • strengthen innovation ecosystems that tackles global challenges by fostering the integration of innovation, research, higher education and entrepreneurship
  • foster innovation through its activities and significantly step up its support to the integration of higher education within the innovation ecosystem, in particular by stimulating entrepreneurial education, fostering strong non-disciplinary collaboration between industry and academia, and identifying prospective skills for future innovators to address global challenges, which include advanced digital and innovation skills
  • should benefit EIC beneficiaries, while start-ups emerging from the EIT’s KICs should have simplified and thereby faster access to EIC actions
  • While the EIT’s focus on innovation ecosystems should make it naturally fit within the pillar ‘Innovative Europe’, it should also support the other pillars ‘Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness’ and ‘Excellent Science’, as appropriate
  • Unnecessary duplication between KICs and other instruments in the same field, in
    particular other European Partnerships, should be avoided

4. there is no duplication of funding of activities to be supported under the EIC Accelerator with the existing grant allocated at national or regional level

Source: https://eic.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-08/EIC-WP2023-amended.pdf; https://horizoneuropeni.com/pillar-one/; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32021R0695;https://eic.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-08/Guide-for-Applicants_V3.0.pdf